2175M XURON TRACK CUTTER Not To Be Used For Hard Wire 75M-Vertical Track Cutter A Xuron® Track Cutter specifically designed for vertical cutting of model railraod track that has been...
CDU Capacitor Discharge Unit This unit stores up power in the built-in capacitors and when the point motor is operated, discharges current in one big 'punch' giving the point motor...
The GAUGEMASTER SS-1 Shuttle is an advanced electronic control module for your model train set. With precise control and multiple speed settings, it allows for smooth and efficient operation of...
GM09RB Twinned Red/Black Wire 10m of Red/Black twinned wire. Ideal for model railway use and helpful when trying to keep wiring tidy. Each wire includes 14 strands which makes it...
GM12 Pair Connecting Leads (Pin/Bare Wire) A useful pair of 1m connecting leads with pins at one end and bare wire at the other. The wire used on this product...
GM633 GLASS FIBRE SCRATCH PENCIL This 4mm glass fibre pencil has a fast abrasive action and is ideal for cleaning, burnishing, and polishing. This tool contains glass fibre, so extra...